
Why Cook? 

Guys, if you’re anything like me, a meal for us is a steak… and maybe a potato.  Or, most of the time, someone just hands me my food through a window into my car…

My reason for creating this site and my DVD (series) is so we can cook to Impress Women.  I’ve found, over my many years, that when I cook a meal for a lady, it gets me more points, in a shorter amount of time, than nearly anything else I can do.  Taking the time to cook for her shows you care about her.  She may even go so far as to think you are a sensitive guy.  I’m not making any promises on that!  But, we’ll keep a positive attitude…

I’ve seen cooking shows on TV, and I have tremendous respect for chefs, but you do not have to be a chef to impress women… It helps!  But you can be an every-day-guy like me and still cook a delicious meal for a woman… which, hopefully, will lead to other delicious things.  Besides, I really don’t know half of what they are talking about.  Do you know what sautéed truffle sauce au vin flambé is?  Me neither, I just made it up.  But a lot of what they say sounds like that to me.

So, instead of renting a fancy kitchen “set” like they have for those TV cooking shows, I wanted to prepare these meals in my own kitchen to show you that you can cook as well as I… and you won’t need any special cooking equipment.  Of course, I am assuming you have a few pots and pans and some utensils... that means a couple of forks, knifes and spoons… maybe a dinner plate… two would actually be better…

I bought all of the ingredients in my local supermarket.  I cook everything in my kitchen.  And you can, too! Display

I have cooked every recipe on my DVD's for dates before.  I have personally tested every one on a real live woman.  Seriously!  And every one of these recipes has led to a successful date, if you get my drift…

Order a DVD, watch a recipe or two, then take the included recipe sheets to your kitchen and try out one of these simple and delicious meals. Then, for your next date, invite her over for dinner and a movie.  I guarantee she’ll be impressed that you took time to prepare a meal for her!  Serve her an appetizer, salad, main course with side dish and dessert?  You’re in!

Married guys, this is great for you, too!  Want points with your wife?  You cannot go wrong with preparing her one of these meals for a special occasion… or for no occasion at all!  Get home before her one evening and have dinner ready for her when she gets home!  You will not believe the mileage it will get you!

I have designed my DVD's for guys who have no experience in the kitchen.  But, if you have culinary skills, they still contain some great recipes for you and some handy tips to make things simpler for you in the kitchen.

The cost of Bill’s Simple Cooking for Guys to Impress Women is less than the cost of a meal.  And you’ll have meals (and romantic nights) for months to come!