
Frequently Asked Questions

How did you come up with this idea?
Actually, I had this idea about 14 years ago.  I just sat on it while I worked on other projects.  As those went by the wayside, I decided that I'd better give my DVD's a try.  I knew if I didn't try it, I'd regret not having taken the chance.  There are people who thought I shouldn't take the chance, but many more friends who encouraged me to give it a go and have been a great help to me!

Why do we need to cook dinner to impress a woman?
We can't all be babe magnets like, say, George Clooney, Brad Pitt or Stephen Colbert.  Some of us who are less than gifted in certain areas must resort to other means to attract a woman.  Cooking has always impressed my dates.  I mean, I try to act sensitive and all, but sometimes they can see through that... so cooking them a nice meal gets me points...

Were you a chef before you created this DVD?
Nuh uh.  Just a regular guy.

Where'd you learn to cook?
My Mom.  And I guess I just picked it up as I went along.  There are plenty of recipes available on TV and the internet.  Sometimes I see one I like and try it.  Sometimes I change it.  Sometimes ideas just pop into my head... I mean recipe ideas!  I got my idea for Spicy Corn from the vendors at the county fair.  They sell corn-on-the-cob and offer fresh lemon, hot sauce and grated parmesan cheese as toppings.  I just thought I'd combine all of those, with a little butter, in a pan and it turned out great!

Why cook to impress women?
Hey!  I gotta do something to impress them!

Can't you just impress them with money?  Cars?  Something else?
I don't have those other things.  If you've got 'em, use 'em!  But even if you do have them, cooking them a nice meal will always get you more points!  Come on!  If you've got all that other stuff, you need to let 'em think you're a sensitive guy!

How difficult are the recipes?
Not.  I made all of the meals on my DVD's with food I bought at my local, Southern California supermarket, and I cooked everything in my own little kitchen in my apartment, so you can too!

What if you never cooked before?
Easy.  As I just told you above, all of the ingredients are easy to find and I'm not using a kitchen with all kinds of sophisticated devices.  And, as the title says, these recipes are simple!  Plus, I've included printed recipes for you to take back into the kitchen with you.  Once you watch the demonstration of a recipe on the DVD, you can take the printed recipe to the store with you and buy all of the ingredients.  Then take the printed recipe back into the kitchen with you and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Do you ask her ahead of time what she likes to eat?
Yes, you can.  I often do.  There are so many people out there today with incredibly varying tastes and requirements.  Once they accept my invitation to dinner I say, "Any likes or dislikes I should know about?  Anything you don't eat?"   That usually tells me all I need to know.  And on each DVD I have a main course with beef, fish, chicken and pork, so you're covered!

What is the maximum number of DVD's I can buy?
Well, I guess you can order 100.  If you want to order one, that's OK, too.  But if you want to order 100, who am I to stop you?  A thousand? Well, fine.  They do make great gifts!

But women already know how to cook, how can my cooking impress them?
You know, some women today, especially some career women, are too busy to cook.  Some actually can't boil water.  But, like guys who are too busy with their careers, a home-cooked meal is a real treat.  Plus, as I've already said many times, taking the time to cook for them shows them that you care!  How can you beat that?!  You don't have to become a chef.  Just try a few of these recipes, make her a salad, a main course and a dessert.  If that goes well (and I'm telling you, it will!) you can try another on your next date!