Dreaming my Life Lesson

Horrible.  That’s the word for it.  Horrible.  It was the most horrible dream I’d ever had.  I woke up in a cold sweat.  I believe I was actually shuddering with fear.  What I saw or, more accurately, what I heard was truly horrifying.

In my dream, I had died.  That wasn’t the terrible part.  At the point I can recall my dream, I had already died and I felt totally at peace.  I was floating upward towards a brilliant light.  It was brighter than any light I’ve ever seen, yet I could look at it without even blinking.


All around me, enveloping me, was extraordinarily beautiful music.  Though nothing there had any solid physical properties, it felt as if I was being carried by the music.  Soon I could begin to discern other beings all around me.  They were Beings of Light and they were singing a song of welcome to me; welcome home.

It was unbelievably new and exciting to me, yet felt as if I knew this place.  Felt like I was from this place.  Felt like I was this place.  I knew many of these Beings of Light and from those I did not recognize, I felt what I can only describe here as unconditional love.

I knew I had been here before.  I had always been in this place.  I began here and would always return here and always be here.

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Available in paperback and for Kindle.

The music, as I said, was indescribably beautiful.  The light and colors were magnificent.  I floated on the voice of Love.

Soon I found myself surrounded by more of these beings.  They seemed to be Elder Spirits.  That’s the only way I can describe it.  Not older, as we all had the same beginning.  But these Beings had learned more quickly, advanced further than I.  As questions formed in my mind, they were immediately answered.  I saw none of them speak, but the answers came from them and were placed within my mind, entire concepts precipitously revealed to me.  The ideas, the precepts were not received in words and sentences, but entirely and with all of the dimensions and nuances of complete, timeless concepts.  I could understand the answers to my questions from an Eternal perspective.

ascended MastersWithout warning, yet somehow with expectation, I could see my life before me, happening all at once.  The best I can describe to you is that it seemed holographic, appearing before me all at once and spread out through all time.  As if I could see across eons, the results of my deeds—what on Earth we would call good or bad deeds—rippled through Eternity.

Heavenly light cloudsAnd I wasn’t judged.  I was merely shown what I had done, the choices I’d made, and was allowed, if you will, to feel the effects of those words and actions.  I could see everything from a completely different perspective.  I knew that I was an eternal soul.  I could feel that I lived again and again in physical incarnations, learning and growing, ever spiraling upward.  I knew that I would experience lifetime after lifetime until I learned those lessons that I needed to learn.  It was crystal clear and felt obvious.  As if that was the meaning of life and I could again recognize it as true and perfect.

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I felt the Elder Spirits move slightly away.  Before me appeared a most brilliant blue-white light.  I felt drawn towards it, surrounded with indescribable love.  I was it and It was me.  And I knew, felt with all of my being that my life lesson would again be revealed to me.  Finally I would again see what it was that had been hidden from me beyond the veil.  And I knew that once I learned this lesson, I would no longer have to repeat my incarnation cycle in order to absorb it.  Once I knew this lesson, once I demonstrated mastery, I could move upward.

And I joined with the Mind of the Light and I felt the concept, the lesson, join with my mind.

Algebra.  You must learn algebra.

Son. Of. A. Bitch!

What a bleeping nightmare!

Bill sig blue

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